I started reading all these books and have yet to finish one of them. I also have another 2 books that I've recently bought and have yet to read.

Looks like I'm gonna finish the Marian Keyes book first as it's very entertaining and funny. She's one of my favourite authors and I always buy the hardcovers because I'm always dying to read her latest books. If anybody is a fan of Marian Keyes let me know, I have all her books .

The Time Traveller's Wife is very long and not that entertaining but I must finish reading it before I watch the movie.

The Associate is the usual John Grisham. I will probably finish it last.

One of the books that I recently purchase is this one by Cecelia Ahern. She is also a favourite author of mine. I think I'll probably start on this book after I finish the Marian Keyes' one.
Recently I discovered Jodi Picoult, it started when I saw my niece reading My Sister's Keeper. I went out and bought it the next day and finsihed reading it in 2 days. I'm ashamed to say I cried through out the whole book. Later I watched the movie while on the long flight to Los Angeles and yes I cried again while watching the movie! The movie was great and adapted the book very closely except for the ending where it was totally different.

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